Meet the Cast of The Winter's Tale! Spotlight on Anna Lewein (Emilia/Dion/Dorcas)

Yet another returning cast member (it's almost like people love working with Classics on the Rocks, or something) - Twelfth Night's Olivia is here reincarnated as Emilia/Dion/Dorcas and Gentleman #2! Anna Lewein is a smart, quick, and, when it's called for, utterly hilarious actress who we are lucky to have back for a third season.
We can't wait to see her transition from anxious lady of the court to Oracle Spokesperson to Bohemian dancing queen in The Winter's Tale.
Get Anna's take on the show and generally "being creepy" below!
What's your favorite thing about your hometown?
It's the home of the Wisconsin State Fair.
What does your ideal Saturday look like?
Sleeping in, finally waking to sip on a cup of coffee, a walk in the park in the afternoon, dinner and a show in the evening.
What's your favorite role you've played, Shakespeare or otherwise?
The Woman in Black in ... "The Woman in Black." I was the title of the show and had no lines. I just had to be creepy. It was fun!
What excites you about The Winter's Tale?
The dancing.
Featuring a mad king, an exit pursued by a bear, and three of Shakespeare's strongest female characters, The Winter's Tale is a lesser-known, lesser-told story that gives us both tragedy and comedy, love and loss, winter and spring.
The Winter's Tale performs July 20, 21, 27, 28 at 7pm and July 29 at 5pm at the Alchemical Theatre Laboratory. Tickets may be purchased in advance here.
About Classics on the Rocks:
Shakespeare doesn't have to be complicated and it's our mission at Classics on the Rocks to make classical theatre accessible, exciting, palatable, and fun for everyone - whether you're brand new to Shakespeare or have read the canon cover to cover.
At Classics on the Rocks, we believe that just as whiskey doesn't need anything more than rocks to tame it's bite. Shakespeare doesn't need fancy concepts, modernizations, frilly costumes, or big sets to make it relatable. All you need are talented actors who trust the text and tell the story. It's classics served simply on the rocks.