Meet the Cast of The Winter's Tale! Spotlight on Connor Scott (Antigonus/Time)
Connor Scott takes on a pair of the more intense roles in The Winter's Tale. Without too many spoilers...Antigonus is the one who has to...

Meet the Cast of The Winter's Tale! Spotlight on Thomas Daniels (Autolycus)
Thomas Daniels is our Autolycus - a clever, tricky rogue who only ever does good by accident. In this role, Thomas talks more than any...

Meet the Cast of The Winter's Tale! Spotlight on Anna Lewein (Emilia/Dion/Dorcas)
Yet another returning cast member (it's almost like people love working with Classics on the Rocks, or something) - Twelfth Night's...

Meet the Cast of The Winter's Tale! Spotlight on Ray Huth (Florizel)
Ray Huth is another Classics on the Rocks returning favorite - he played our rogue sailor Antonio in last summer's Twelfth Night. In The...

Meet the Cast of The Winter's Tale! Spotlight on Alice Rothman-Hicks (Paulina)
Alice Rothman-Hicks* plays our utterly ferocious Paulina. When the men onstage cower before the irrational and jealousy-crazed Leontes,...

Meet the Cast of The Winter's Tale! Spotlight on John St. Croix (Polixines)
You may recognize John St. Croix from Classics on the Rocks' production of Twelfth Night last summer. In that show, John played a wildly...

Meet the Cast of The Winter's Tale! Spotlight on Bridget Randolph (Mamillius/Perdita)
Classics on the Rocks is thrilled to welcome Bridget Randolph to the cast of The Winter's Tale! Bridget has joined us for a number of...

Meet the Cast of Twelfth Night! Spotlight on Patrick Taaffe (Sir Andrew Aguecheek)
"I was adored once." - Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Twelfth Night While Sir Andrew may only have been adored once - Patrick Taaffe is absolutely...

Meet the Cast of Twelfth Night! Spotlight on Mathew Dean Wood (Sebastian)
In Twelfth Night, Sebastian has an epic experience. First, he's saved from a shipwreck by a kind pirate, then he's accosted by some...

Meet the Cast of Twelfth Night! Spotlight on Robert Whiston (Sir Toby Belch)
"What's a drunken fool like?" - Olivia, Twelfth Night Sir Toby Belch is Twelfth Night's resident drunken fool and mischief maker. A...